Why See An Endodontist About A Potential Extraction

Living in a world of modern dentistry means more options for having your teeth treated. Understanding the range of choices you have and how they can impact your lifestyle and future health is important. Nothing is as important in your dental health as preserving your natural teeth. When your dentist tells you it’s time to pull a tooth, it’s time for a second opinion. In this article, we’ll explain why you should seek out an endodontist when your dentist says it’s time for extraction.

Why See Your Endodontist About A Potential Extraction

While it’s important to trust your dentist with your oral health, a second opinion never hurts. This fact is especially true when it comes to getting an extraction. Your natural teeth are the first and best option for a beautiful, functional smile. There are many reasons why you should take every reasonable step to save your natural teeth, including:

  • Efficient chewing
  • Retention of natural biting force
  • A more natural appearance
  • Reduced need for expensive dental work on an ongoing basis

These are just a few of the reasons why you should speak to an endodontist. They’re experts at the interior structures of your teeth. With this expertise, they can provide additional options that may help you retain your tooth, including root canals. There has yet to be a bridge, implant, or denture that can fully replace your natural teeth. Endodontists are also usually available for emergency procedures, so your pain can be eased rapidly.

When an extraction is recommended, you should ask if a root canal will be effective. If told that it isn’t, request an explanation and request an endodontic referral. These specialists are focused on saving teeth and have advanced training in these procedures. They’re unparalleled when it comes to diagnosing the sources of dental pain and relieving it.

  • Reducing Price – Don’t be seduced by the lower price of extraction. Over time removing your tooth can lead to greater costs. Saving the tooth may have a higher up-front cost, but the long-term savings can be significant.
  • Avoiding Pain – There’s a common myth that root canal treatments are painful. This has been driven by myth, media, and old information. Root canals may have once been painful, but modern technology has changed this. Now they are the best method of ending pain and are virtually painless to boot.
  • Being Rushed – Endodontic treatments are generally quick and can often be done in a single visit of an hour. While an extraction only takes a single visit, the subsequent restoration will take several.

Consult Your Endodontist For More Information

The best thing you can do before making a decision about extraction is to talk to your endodontist. Their expertise will ensure you get the best possible advice regarding the potential removal. In most cases, it’s possible to restore the tooth to full function and better preserve your oral health. If you have additional inquiries about endodontic treatment to avoid extraction, schedule an appointment today. Your smile will thank you in the years to come.

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Inhaled & Oral Sedation Options Available

Raleigh Endodontics is proud to announce that we offer sedation dentistry at our office. Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, is ideal for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or for those who must undergo certain endodontic procedures. Before deciding which sedation option is best for you, Dr. Dalzell will take a thorough medical history and discuss your current medications.