How Endodontists Treat Irreversible Pulpitis

Irreversible pulpitis can be an excruciating dental condition, causing severe tooth pain and discomfort. If you’re suffering from this condition, the best treatment resource is to seek an endodontist. Endodontists are specialists trained to address irreversible pulpitis, providing treatments that can save your tooth and alleviate your pain. This article will explore this condition and how endodontists can effectively treat it.

Irreversible Pulpitis: Understanding The Condition

Irreversible pulpitis is a condition that’s characterized by inflammation and infection of the dental pulp – the innermost part of your tooth containing the nerves and blood vessels. This condition typically results from untreated dental decay or trauma, manifesting persistent pain. If left untreated, irreversible pulpitis can lead to complications such as dental abscesses or the loss of the affected tooth.

Symptoms of Irreversible Pulpitis:

  • Intense, throbbing tooth pain, often triggered by hot or cold substances
  • Pain that lingers even after the stimulus is removed
  • Swelling or tenderness around the affected tooth
  • Pain that disrupts your sleep and daily activities

How Our Endodontists Can Treat Irreversible Pulpitis

When you visit our endodontists with irreversible pulpitis, here’s what you can expect from our office:

  • Thorough Examination: The endodontist will begin by conducting a comprehensive evaluation, including digital imaging, to assess the extent of the infection and damage.
  • Root Canal Therapy: The recommended treatment is usually a root canal procedure. During this treatment, the endodontist removes the infected pulp, disinfects the canals, and seals them to prevent further infection.
  • Pain Management: Endodontists prioritize patient comfort. They use local anesthesia to numb the area, ensuring you feel little discomfort during the procedure.
  • Follow-up Care: After the root canal, the endodontist will provide guidance on post-treatment care and may recommend a crown to protect the treated tooth and restore its strength.

Schedule an appointment with our experienced endodontic team at Raleigh Endodontics to assess your condition and explore treatment options. Under the care of Dr. Luke K Dalzell, DDS, we’re here to help you smile pain-free once again. Don’t let irreversible pulpitis rob you of your quality of life; trust in the expertise of our skilled endodontists in Raleigh, NC, to provide the relief you need. Call (919) 866-1989 to learn more. 

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Inhaled & Oral Sedation Options Available

Raleigh Endodontics is proud to announce that we offer sedation dentistry at our office. Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, is ideal for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or for those who must undergo certain endodontic procedures. Before deciding which sedation option is best for you, Dr. Dalzell will take a thorough medical history and discuss your current medications.