Celebrate Save Your Tooth Month By Seeing Your Endodontist

This month, the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) dedicates May to help save teeth. Save Your Tooth Month is a national initiative sponsored by EndoVision and Sonendo, aiming to help showcase the many benefits of a root canal and raise awareness of how endodontists can help save teeth.

What Studies Say About Saving Teeth

The AAE initially conducted a survey back in 2019 to see how people observe their teeth and found that millennials care just as much about their teeth as any part of their body, if not more. They’ve also found that:

  • Many of the top reasons for saving teeth were because it was healthier and that it gives your smile a better appearance.
  • At least 24% of millennials rank their teeth as the number one aspect they would save about their body.
  • Around 61% of women and 51% of men believe that saving their teeth helps them feel better.
  • More than 95% of people believe it’s important to save their natural teeth.

What You Can Do During Save Your Tooth Month

The AAE offers many free resources for helping people learn about saving their teeth, including a full treatment options guide, a root canal safety guide, and their AAE newsletter. If you have a faulty tooth, the best place the receive endodontic care is through a recommendation by your general or family dentist. Tell your family and friends about Save Your Tooth Month and celebrate with us this year!

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Inhaled & Oral Sedation Options Available

Raleigh Endodontics is proud to announce that we offer sedation dentistry at our office. Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, is ideal for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or for those who must undergo certain endodontic procedures. Before deciding which sedation option is best for you, Dr. Dalzell will take a thorough medical history and discuss your current medications.