What is Pulpal Regeneration?

Endodontics is primarily concerned with preventing, diagnosing, and treating disorders affecting the dental pulp – the innermost part of the tooth that holds the nerves and blood vessels. Pulpal regeneration, however, provides everyone with a unique opportunity to treat severe dental conditions and offers opportunities for those who would otherwise be recommended a tooth extraction. 

What is Pulpal Regeneration? 

Pulpal regeneration works with the body’s healing process to restore damaged or diseased pulp tissue, helping regenerate teeth most often considered beyond saving. The process of pulpal regeneration includes the following: 

  • Your endodontist will first remove any damaged or infected pulp from within the tooth through root canal techniques. 
  • Once the affected areas have been completely removed, biocompatible materials and growth factors are provided to the tooth pulp to kickstart the body’s natural regenerative process. 
  • The pulp tissue will gradually regenerate over time to help reinstate the tooth’s structural integrity and function.

Through this therapeutic approach, pulpal regeneration can help save teeth originally recommended for a tooth extraction. Pulpal regeneration allows patients to preserve their natural tooth structure through a minimally invasive approach, helping them save time and money in the long run. Pulpal regeneration can help save teeth that experience infections that otherwise don’t have co-existing problems and help avoid the need for extractions and implant placements altogether. 

Visit Raleigh Endodontics Today For an Endodontic Appointment 

At Raleigh Endodontics, we strive to deliver advanced, comprehensive dental care to enhance and maintain your beautiful smile. If you are grappling with dental health challenges, please contact us at (919) 866-1989 for an appointment with Dr. Luke K Dalzell,

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Inhaled & Oral Sedation Options Available

Raleigh Endodontics is proud to announce that we offer sedation dentistry at our office. Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, is ideal for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or for those who must undergo certain endodontic procedures. Before deciding which sedation option is best for you, Dr. Dalzell will take a thorough medical history and discuss your current medications.